Internet Drama and Mystery Television Series, 1996-2014 by Vincent Terrace MOBI, TXT, FB2
Created around the world and available only on the Web, internet "television" series are independently produced, mostly low budget shows that often feature talented but unknown performers. Typically financed through online crowd-funding, they are produced with borrowed equipment and volunteer casts and crews, and viewers find them through word of mouth or by chance. The second in a first-ever set of books cataloging Internet television series, this volume covers in depth the drama and mystery genres, with detailed entries on 405 shows from 1996 through July 2014. In addition to casts, credits and story lines, each entry provides a website, commentary and episode descriptions. Index of performers and personnel are included., [The Second in a series of books that details Internet Television. The genres of drama and mystery are covered for the first time in depth with detailed information on 405 alphabetically arranged programs from 1991 through July 0f 2014. In addition to casts, credits and story lines, each entry also provides a website, date, comment and episode descriptions. An index of all performers and personnel and 45 photographs complete the volume. Internet Television Science Fiction, Horror and Fantasy Television Series is the first volume with the upcoming Internet Gay and Lesbian Television Series, the third volume. Each volume is a one-of-a-kind book and the first in any media to cover in detail the television programs being broadcast on the Internet.]
Read Internet Drama and Mystery Television Series, 1996-2014 by Vincent Terrace in PDF, DJV
The realignment of southern Democrats into the Republican Party was not easy or inevitable, and by examining Helms's oft-forgotten journalism career, Thrift shows how delicately and deliberately this transition had to be cultivated.Maureen Stapleton is a recognised star of stage, screen and television.Enormous index.Researching for the Media: Television, Radio and Journalism is an essential guide to researching for the media industry.Two hundred and forty years after the Declaration of Independence, it examines how we as a nation are living up to our founders' lofty vision for liberty and justice.For the generation that has grown up with the vast array of viewing choices available today, it is almost inconceivable that our ever-expanding media universe began with a few hours of unimpressive programming on a single cable channel.Daniel Marcus is an assistant professor in the department of communication at Wayne State University.Challenging the widespread view that LGBT characters did not make a sustained appearance on television until the 1980s, she draws on innovative readings of TV shows and network archives to reveal queer television's lengthy, rich, and varied history.From "Pot o' Gold" and "The $64,000 Question" to "Wheel of Fortune" and "Jeopardy," quiz and game programs have entertained and informed millions of Americans, promoted and sold untold quantities of products, generated fortunes for their creators and producers, and filled the pockets of a multitude of jackpot winners.