Urban Spaces: Hellenistische Agorai : Gestaltung, Rezeption und Semantik Eines Urbanen Raumes 3 by Barbara Sielhorst download ebook TXT, PDF, DJV
As the social, political, and economic center of public life in a polis, the agora underwent profound changes during the Hellenistic period. This study examines agorai as symbolically charged spaces; analyzing them sheds light on the societies they helped to shape. The findings show that during the Hellenistic period agorai had a crucial role in generating a polis-specific identity., Die Agora als gesellschaftlicher, politischer und wirtschaftlicher Mittelpunkt des öffentlichen Lebens einer Polis erfährt im Hellenismus tiefgreifende Veränderungen. Die Untersuchung betrachtet Agorai als symbolisch aufgeladene Räume, deren Analyse Rückschlüsse auf die von ihnen geprägten Gesellschaften ermöglicht. Die Befunde zeigen, dass sich Agorai im Hellenismus zu den Kristallisationsorten einer polisspezifischen Identität entwickeln.
Download Urban Spaces: Hellenistische Agorai : Gestaltung, Rezeption und Semantik Eines Urbanen Raumes 3 by Barbara Sielhorst in MOBI, TXT, DJV
The second part, by Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie in collaboration with Marie-Jeanne Tits-Dieuaide, presents an overview of the conclusions reached from the study of secular fluctuations in the product of the tithe and in other revenues from the land.A Rage for Order is the first work of literary journalism to track the tormented legacy of what was once called the Arab Spring.And, as his own path converges withthat of the gifted, beautiful Floria Tosca, he discovers that the fate that led him to power will be the same one that tears him from it.